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Monday, 12 November 2012

Egyptian marbles are still the best in the world

Egypt has a history on the marble arts those are still regarded as one of the best architectures till date in the world. When it comes to the marbles and granite stones obviously the mines of Egypt comes to our mind. The stones found in Egyptian mines are sale on the market after finishing in workshops. CIDG or creative interior design group is one of the finest stone suppliers from the mines of Egypt. They have added some more specialities on Egyptian marbles and granite stones those are manufactured on their workshops in Cairo. They have lots of modern machineries which helps them to deliver product with accuracy. The demand of Egyptian marbles is always at high volume and this is one of the best stone wares provider in Egypt. This company also used to export their items to the rest of the world. 

The Egyptian marbles can be used in various purposes as for example to make slabs, flooring as well as for status, fountains etc. The Egyptian marbles slabs are generally used to decorate floors, ceilings, walls and other areas. These marbles are also available in different colours and CID group has a lot of various coloured stones. Among the Egyptian marbles Sandy Egyptian marbles is regarded as the best elegant stone of all time. Decorating a house is a heavy job rather than buying a house; it requires the items to be matched with the classofthe building. So the right interior decoration indicates about the choice of the house owner, as well as the standard of the interior decorator. The price of all these stones is reasonable and accessible. CID group has a large group of designers, architects, engineers those inputs their opinion in production of the stones. 

The marbles and granites are used in interior as well as exterior designing like in lawns, pavements streets etc. are example of exterior designing. CID group is also number one Granite supplier in Egypt; in this section several granite stones like Nero Aswan, Gandona Aswan, Grey stone, Red Aswan, Verdi Ghazal, Ramady Sherks etc. are there. These stones are very uncommon which prior increases the taste of the interior decorator. Granite marble slabs are used in toilets as well as kitchens which are more users friendly. So just order marble stones from the variety of designs of Cid group with reference to your choice and decorate your house.